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BPC Nashville Agenda

Certification Day
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3


Sunday, MAY 18 2025
Session Title Room Time
Certification Day Registration Ryman Studios Foyer 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Foundation Level Certification - Training and Exam Ryman Studio P/Q/R 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Foundation Level Certification - Training and Exam Ryman Studio M/N 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Foundation Level Certification - Training and Exam Ryman Studio K 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Foundation Level Certification - Training and Exam Ryman Studio J 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Foundation Level Certification - Training and Exam Ryman Studio I 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Certification Day Lunch Distribution Ryman Studios Foyer 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Certification Day Afternoon Coffee Break Ryman Studios Foyer 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
BPC Registration, Sponsored by Strategic Growth Partners Presidential Lobby 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
First-Time Attendees Workshop Ryman Ballroom ABDE 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM



Monday, MAY 19, 2025
Session Title Speaker(s) Location Time
BPC Registration, Sponsored by Strategic Growth Partners   Presidential Lobby 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Quiet Room, Supported by the Mental Health Affinity Group   Jackson A 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Conference Kick-off & Opening Keynote | Coffee Sponsored by AutogenAI   Presidential Ballroom 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
APMP TV Studio On Air     9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Exhibitor Hall Kickoff & Networking (Exhibitor Hall Open for Visits All Day from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM)   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Rohirrim   Ryman Hall B5 & B6  10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Hitting the Right Notes: Cracking the Pricing Code in other than "Best Value" Procurements Chris Placzek, CF APMP
Ryman Studio M/N/O 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
2025 State of Strategic Response Management: Leading in the AI Era Jennifer Cannizzaro
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
Gold In/Gold Out: Preparing Your Content for the AI Revolution Michelle Labde, CF APMP Washington B
Servant Leadership in Proposals Melissa Palmer, CF BW-M ES-M APMP  Lincoln C/D/E
Impress Me Much – Achieving Consistency in Long PowerPoint Proposals Katy Alderson  Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Loopio   Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Upland Qvidian   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Professionals of Color Affinity Group Gathering   Jackson EF
Attendee Lunch & Exhibitor Networking   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Affinity Group Networking Lunch   Jackson EF 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM 
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Shipley Associates   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Bruce Farrell: My Story Bruce Farrell, APMP Fellow Ryman Studio M/N/O 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Hindsight Is 20/20: Realize Your Career Vision Through Lessons Learned ​​Ceri Mescall, CPP CAP BW-M ES-M APMP Fellow, Cynthia Bruce, CP CL APMP, Nicole Robinson, Ryan Graves, CP APMP Ryman Ballroom ABDE
Generative AI vs Traditional AI (Rocky vs Apollo): Who will win and achieve response automation faster and better?  Lisa Puckrin, CF APMP  Washington B
The Power of Influence: Gaining Senior Executive Commitment and Investment for Your Proposal Team’s Success Danelle Morrow, CF APMP, Erin Andersen, CF APMP Lincoln C/D/E
Winning the Visual Battle: Transforming Proposal Graphics for Maximum Impact Sydney Latchaw Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Session Sponsored by Responsive   Ryman Ballroom CF
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by VisibleThread   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Pride Affinity Group Gathering   Jackson EF
The Three Pillars of Proposal Leadership: Cultivating Leadership at Every Level Ali Hollis, CF CL APMP, Janet Stifflear, CP APMP  Ryman Studio M/N/O 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
The Art of Scoring Proposal Strengths from The Evaluator Bruce Morton, APMP Fellow Ryman Ballroom ABDE
AI in Proposals: Where Human Insight Makes the Difference Christian Ferreira Washington B
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Proposal Templates Edition Natasha Adams, Sheli Sandell  Lincoln C/D/E
The Importance of Self-Advocacy; Take Command of Your Career Samantha Keay, CP APMP  Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Responsive   Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Trends in Professional Services Bidding, Sponsored by Flowcase Erling Linde  Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Mental Health Affinity Group Gathering   Jackson EF
Exhibit Hall Coffee Break   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Keeping Your Proposal on Course: Managing Rogue Proposal Team Members Tiffani Conner, CF APMP  Ryman Studio M/N/O 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM 
Boost Your Career with APMP's Microcertifications! Kimberly Kissel, CAE, Mike Parkinson CPP GR-M APMP Fellow, Randy Richter Ryman Ballroom ABDE
Beyond Automation: Leadership Strategies for Integrating AI into Proposal Teams Amy McGeady, CPP APMP Fellow, Kelson Forsgren, CF APMP Washington B
Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging the Gate Process and PWIN Calculator for Smarter Bid/No Bid Choices Chris Pereschuk, CF APMP Lincoln C/D/E
Mastering Proposal Management: Tips, Hacks, and Tools for Success Shannon Smith, CP APMP Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Upland Qvidian   Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by PerfectIt   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Young Professionals Affinity Group Gathering   Jackson EF
Leadership in Transforming Organizational Proposal Processes from Scratch Kumiko Shikimachi, CPP APMP Fellow, Daisuke Sasaki, CF APMP,  Ryman Studio M/N/O 5:15 PM- 6:00 PM
From Good to Great: Expanding Capacity through Team Development Danielle Kilcoin, CF APMP, Ginny Carson, CPP APMP Fellow, Steve Skeldon, CP CAP APMP  Ryman Ballroom ABDE
The Future of Technology and AI for Capture and Proposal Professionals Kevin Plexico  Washington B
Sometimes It's Hard to Be a Writer – Managing the Pressure of Perfection in Proposal Writing Daniel Heuman  Lincoln C/D/E
Thinking More Strategically Heather Finch, CP APMP  Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Lohfeld Consulting   Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Hinz Consulting   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Miltary and Veterans Affinity Group Gathering   Jackson EF
TARA, Sponsored in part by Loopio   Delta Island 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Tuesday, MAY 20, 2025
Session Title Speakers Room Time
BPC Registration, Sponsored by Strategic Growth Partners   Presidential Lobby 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Morning Welcome and Plenary Session   Presidential Ballroom 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Quiet Room, Supported by the Mental Health Affinity Group   Jackson A 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
APMP TV Studio On Air     9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fellows Breakfast Reception (Invitation Only)   Crystal Gazebo 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Coffee & Connections in the Exhibitor Hall (Exhibitor Hall Open for Visits All Day from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM)   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by 24 Hour Company   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Miscommunication in the Workplace: Decoding Generational Communication Styles
Neal Levene, CPP APMP. Sara Levene, CF APMP
Ryman Studio M/N/O 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Leveraging Proposal Experience for Entrepreneurial Success
Kevin Switaj, CP ES-M APMP, Robin Davis, CF APMP Fellow, Samantha Enslen, CP APMP Fellow
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
Yes and... How Prompts Impact the Quality of AI Output
Jennifer Danforth
Washington B
The Golden Page: Executive Summaries that Turn Your Strengths into a Winning Story
Kel Raleigh, CF APMP
Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Responsive
  Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Hinz Consulting   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Attendee Lunch & Exhibitor Networking   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Chapter Leaders Lunch and Meeting   Jackson EF 12:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Unanet   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Accelerating a Global Proposal Team
Daniel Kinny-Spears, CF APMP
Ryman Studio M/N/O 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Leadership Insights: A Fireside Chat with APMP Executive of the Year Nominees
Beth Wingate, CF APMP Fellow, Danelle Morrow, CF APMP, Ceri Mescall, CPP CAP BW-M ES-M APMP Fellow
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
Preparing Your Organization for AI-Driven Proposal Success: Myths, Realities, and Practical Preparations
Vishwas Lele
Washington B
Is Your C-Suite Aligned with Your Proposal Team, and Does It Matter?
John Brennan, CP APMP  Lincoln C/D/E
The Art of Storytelling
Emily Katz, CF APMP
Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by AutogenAI   Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Upland Qvidian   Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Not Our First Rodeo: How Two Senior Proposal Professionals Partnered to Wrangle in Wins on Teaming and Joint Venture Proposals Cheryl Gessling, CF APMP, Jennifer Danforth Ryman Studio M/N/O 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Build Your Band! A Collaborative Approach to Advancing Your Career and Building a Proposal Team Elizabeth Hillman CP APMP, Kailey Fascitelli, CF APMP Ryman Ballroom ABDE
AI Experiences in the Real World Jon Williams, CPP BW-M ES-M GR-M APMP Fellow Washington B
How to Successfully Frame and Reframe Your Executive Messaging Jamie Ninneman, CPP APMP Fellow Lincoln C/D/E
From Bland to Grand: Make WINNING Orals Faster Mike Parkinson, CPP GR-M APMP Fellow Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Responsive
  Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Hinz Consulting
  Ryman Hall B5 & B6
Coffee Break: Refuel Between Sessions    Presidential Foyer, Ryman Studios, Jackson Foyer  3:15 PM- 3:30 PM
Mission-Ready: Navy SEAL Strategies for Strategic Leadership in Bids and Proposals
Carol Njelesani, CP APMP
Ryman Studio M/N/O 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Beyond Human Limits: A Winning Partnership in the Age of AI Proposals - A CEO Roundtable
Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
5 Essential Proposal Prep Tools to Start Using Right Now
Corinne Jorgenson, CF APMP
Washington B
PTW 2025: Thriving amid Uncertainty, Risk & Competition
David Sanborn, Connor Jones
Lincoln C/D/E
Leveraging Multi-Generational Differences in Teams
Patrick Chase, CF ES-M CF APMP Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by
  Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Technology & Innovation Suite Sponsored by Cliwant   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 
BPC Happy Hour   Ryman Hall B5 & B6 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM


Wednesday, MAY 21, 2025
Session Title Speakers Room Time
BPC Registration, Sponsored by Strategic Growth Partners   Presidential Lobby 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
BPC Luggage Drop   Ryman Studio I 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Morning Welcome and Plenary Session   Presidential Ballroom 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Quiet Room, Supported by the Mental Health Affinity Group   Jackson A 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ditch the Deck: Empowering Teams to Deliver Message-Driven Presentations
Lisa Diven, Meg Leachman
Ryman Studio M/N/O  9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Using Our Resources Smarter: How to Deliver Higher, More Accurate Bid Volume with Automation and AI
Emily Nack, Hannah McGowan, Kyle Peterson, Tom Triebwasser, CF APMP
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
We've Led the Horse to Water, Now What? Demystifying AI and Supporting Adoption in Proposal Teams
Allison Ritz, CF APMP
Washington B
Own Your Destiny: Essential Strategies to Promote the Bid & Proposal Industry as a Company Growth Driver
Danelle Morrow, CF APMP
Lincoln C/D/E
Strategic Growth through Enterprise AI Innovation: Game Changer for Bid & Proposal Transformation Journey
Mitsuhiro Seto, CF APMP
Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by QorusDocs
  Ryman Studio P/Q/R
From Proposal Editor to Proposal Manager: How to use your eagle eyes skills when leading a proposal effort
Marylian Rivera
Ryman Studio M/N/O 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
How to Compose a Hit Proposal: Lessons from Songwriting
Brenda Crist, CPP APMP Fellow, Martha Swift, CF APMP, Monika Crannell, CPP APMP, Nazirah Muhammad
Ryman Ballroom ABDE
The Proposal Scout’s Handbook: Building an Anticipatory Proposal Process to Survive Worst-Case Scenarios
Emily Wilcoxson, CF APMP, Lily Shain, CF APMP, Marisa Montes, CF APMP
Washington B
Better Way to Do Proposal Reviews: It's Time to Move Past Color Reviews, Right??
Neal Levene, CPP APMP
Lincoln C/D/E
Mastering Feedback: The Art of Giving and Receiving as a Young Professional
Ali Hollis, CF CL APMP
Ryman Ballroom CF
Session Sponsored by Expedience Software
  Ryman Studio P/Q/R
Closing Ceremony & Cash Prize Giveaways   Presidential Ballroom 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM


The certifications, starting from the foundation to the professional level, help individuals from diverse timeframes in their careers.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
Achieving the Executive Summaries micro-certification will support me in persuading Sales to create a better Executive Summary.
Gerald Stein
Gerald Stein, CF ES-M APMP
This was my first APMP event, and I was wholly impressed. The energy in the room reignited my passion for this industry, and I can't wait to get back to my team to implement what I have learned.
Brittany Guzman
Brittany Guzman, CF APMP
APMP Certification is an important milestone in the bid and proposal profession. It helped me upgrade my knowledge and be competitive in the industry. You can achieve your dream career with APMP certifications. Thanks to APMP India.
Swapnil Patange
Swapnil Patange, CF APMP
Being a part of APMP, I get access to the knowledge and experience of great leaders and mentors from the community. I have learned a great deal from the webinars and conferences I attended on diverse topics from career progression in Proposal Management, trends (such as automation) in PreSales to achieving work-life balance, and handling burn-outs – all real-life experiences.
Kulkarni Shubhada photo
Shubhada Kulkarni, CP APMP
With this micro-certification and digital badge, I signal to my bid team and stakeholders that I am familiar with this topic. They can use me as their contact and "sparring partner," independent of RFPs.
Norbert Thiemermann, CPP ES-M APMP
This topic, Executive Summaries, is way underrated. The Executive Summary is the most eye-catching document, which almost everyone on the customer side reads. Yet, in most bid teams, we don’t dedicate the attention it deserves. I want to learn about something I can immediately put into practice at my workplace, which provides a “quick win” to the team and is a long-term benefit for the company.
Dénes Máthé, CF ES-M APMP
APMP certification is the gold standard for the industry. For me, accreditation is formal recognition of my commitment to the profession, as well as an avenue for improving my performance and bid outcomes by training in APMP principles.
Tuck Ailsa Photo Cropped
Ailsa Tuck, CP APMP
APMP has been instrumental in my success and has given me a framework in which to coach and mentor the bid and proposal stars of the future.
Mescall Ceri Photo
Ceri Mescall, CPP APMP
For the first time since I started my career, I felt like I was not alone in my struggles to meet deadlines, wrangle SMEs, and answer impossible questions. I’m grateful to have this community to share our wisdom and experiences.
Anthony Rossi, CF APMP