APMP's Mission Statement
The Association of Proposal Management Professionals' mission is to be the trusted leader that serves a global community of bid and proposal development life cycle professionals. APMP will accomplish this by:
- Increasing awareness to ensure that the organization and its values are readily apparent to all internal and external stakeholders and are easily accessible to potential members and member employers in locations targeted for retention or expansion.
- Being the global leader for industry certification and expanding certification offerings to deliver more value.
- Producing the industry’s best networking and education offerings.
- Growing globally through deliberate chapter expansion.
- Nourishing current members vigorously as we seek to welcome new members.
- Performing an annual capability assessment to determine if additional skills, talents, or resources are required to achieve the operational game plan associated with this strategic plan and identifying all gaps between where the organization stands currently and our vision to create an operational plan to address those gaps.
- Claiming the esteem the organization rightly deserves.
APMP promotes the professional growth of its members by advancing the arts, sciences, and technologies of winning business. APMP is the worldwide authority for professionals dedicated to the process of winning business through proposals, bids, tenders, and presentations.

APMP's Vision Statement
To be the internationally accepted authority serving and educating everyone who wins business to drive revenue for their organization and to be the industry that serves all industries
You Are Invited to Join APMP for Your Professional Development and to Develop The Community with These Benefits:
- Learn the industry's best practices from the association for the proposal, bid, tender, business development, and capture industries
- Earn industry certification, sanctioned by your association and recognized by employers and professionals throughout the world as the industry standard
- Network with thousands of proposal professionals around the world
- Access to the industry's best practices through APMP's Body of Knowledge (BOK)
- Participate in the industry's best education programs globally, either free of charge or at a deep member discount
- Attend APMP's Bid & Proposal Con, a three-day professional conference for proposal professionals
- Access hundreds of articles and presentations on www.apmp.org
- Advance your career
The APMP Brand
It is the position of the APMP Board of Directors that the association be recognized as the worldwide authority for professionals dedicated to the process of winning business. While the association has a long history of partnering with entities that complement its mission and services, we will take any necessary action to protect and control the use of the brand, logo, and ultimately, the association’s reputation.
We have built a powerful community over three decades and we are proud of the value we deliver through the comprehensive services and benefits we provide to our growing global membership. Thus, we want to eliminate any opportunities for other entities to confuse or diminish the quality that has become the hallmark of the association.

Code of Ethics
Members of APMP are expected to:
- Comply with rules, government regulations, and laws in their respective countries, as well as other appropriate private and public regulatory agencies.
- Ensure compliance with all rules concerning an interaction with clients and government liaisons.
- Protect sensitive information and comply with all legal requirements for the disclosure of information.
- Avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of same, and disclose to their employer or client any circumstances that may influence their judgment and objectivity.
- Ensure that a mutual understanding of the objectives, scope, work plan, and fee arrangements has been established before accepting any assignment.
- Represent the proposal profession with integrity in their relationships with employers, clients, colleagues, and the general public.
- When in doubt about how to resolve an ethical dilemma, confer with a person you trust— one who is not directly involved in the outcome.