Dr. Robert S. Frey, APMP Fellow (Class of 2006)
Successful Proposal Strategies, LLC
Dr. Bob Frey is a dynamic and highly productive proposal professional with 36 years of significant, trend-setting accomplishments and thought leadership. This is evidenced by his multiple speaking engagements with the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) and the Project Management Institute (PMI) in the United States and Canada. He was selected to be an APMP Fellow in 2006 in New Orleans.
Dr. Bob has helped his customers to win more than $8.394 Billion dollars of funded Federal contracts during the past 15 years alone. He has supported three winning Billion-dollar proposals, two for NASA and one with the Department of Energy. His 722-page book, Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses, has been published in six editions by Artech House, Inc., based in Boston and London. In 2023, Artech House will publish a new and updated version of that book entitled Successful Proposal Strategies On-the-Go! which builds on real-world vignettes and will be written in a conversational style.
What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?
My APMP Fellow honor is a source of significant professional gratification. It serves as tangible evidence of my contributions over time to the proposal arena.
What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?
Presenting in Savannah, Georgia, on the critical importance of the Blue Team Review process.
What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?
Be a sponge--learn as much as possible about the Federal Government's acquisition process, as well as your organization's capture and proposal processes. Be open to shouldering new and demanding assignments. Become acquainted with what your organization is selling, to include its technical service offerings.
Anything else you would like to share?
Proposal winning is a Team sport. No one person wins a Federal Government proposal.