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Bobbie O'Brien, CF APMP Fellow (Class of 2010)

Proposal Management Consultant
RFP Mgmt / Proposal Solutions


Here are just two of many highlights during the past 30 years in the federal procurement world. First would be working with an amazing team that persevered through multiple submissions of thousands and thousands of pages (and three-inch 3-ring binders) and successfully winning an A-76 bid – even after a protest by the Navy; inherently governmental vs. outsourcing; fascinating experience.

Second would be participating with different teams and in different capacities on a major IDIQ multiple award contract that has spanned three iterations over the past 12 years and represents critical advanced cyber technologies: unimaginable advances and capabilities.

Prior to then, during my years in California, a long time ago, working with a firm that had a beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay in Sausalito, I worked with a company involved in a tax court lawsuit that upheld the characteristics of limited partnerships vs being taxed as corporations. This favorable determination has had ongoing impacts on all limited partnership investments since. Very interesting having a representative of the IRS sitting in your office for an extended period of time; great stories. (Phillip G. Larson v. Commissioner of IRS)

With what little free time I have, I am very involved locally with a number of community service organizations and non-profits. As a community advocate, I participate and collaborate with our city boards and council. Assisted in helping to codify a new zoning district to protect critically important lands impacting the original Erie Canal and an adjoining Revolutionary War battlefield.

What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?

An honor to be recognized as someone who has contributed to the growth and professionalism of our industry.

What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?

The "ah ha" moment of realizing how many others share our experiences. Also, meeting the challenge posed to me to wear a tutu for my Ignite presentation -- I added a t-shirt and boa to complement the outfit!

What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, ideas, etc. That's what APMP is all about. It helps our industry continue to grow and evolve. We all benefit from new ideas and perspectives.


I would advise new professionals to take advantage of the resources that APMP offers. Not only do you have access to conferences and seminars through your chapter, but the free webinars and the robust network of professionals are great benefits that can help advance one’s career.
3. Kessie Valerie photo
Valerie Kessie, CP APMP
Without APMP, I would not have the tools or knowledge of the industry to have the career I have today and the success I have experienced.
Liz Megli
Liz Megli, CF APMP
Being a part of APMP, I get access to the knowledge and experience of great leaders and mentors from the community. I have learned a great deal from the webinars and conferences I attended on diverse topics from career progression in Proposal Management, trends (such as automation) in PreSales to achieving work-life balance, and handling burn-outs – all real-life experiences.
Kulkarni Shubhada photo
Shubhada Kulkarni, CP APMP
APMP has provided an incredible platform for seasoned individuals from the Proposal and Bid Management profession and young professionals who want to start their careers in this field.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
During my association with APMP, I have been fortunate to have met and gathered wisdom from several industry stalwarts.
KK 2
Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
This topic, Executive Summaries, is way underrated. The Executive Summary is the most eye-catching document, which almost everyone on the customer side reads. Yet, in most bid teams, we don’t dedicate the attention it deserves. I want to learn about something I can immediately put into practice at my workplace, which provides a “quick win” to the team and is a long-term benefit for the company.
Dénes Máthé, CF ES-M APMP
The time was a good investment, and I expect to reap benefits now and in the future!
Kelly Erickson
Kelly Erickson, CF APMP
APMP's techniques on proposal writing are meticulously engineered with real-life examples, and the extensive information available in their Body of Knowledge is a goldmine for bid & proposal professionals.
Anant Shukla, CF APMP
Achieving the Executive Summaries micro-certification will support me in persuading Sales to create a better Executive Summary.
Gerald Stein
Gerald Stein, CF ES-M APMP
The Executive Summaries Micro-Certification exam was easy to follow and clear in what was required. I found the learning materials to be very informative, and they will be a great tool to use while in the exam and for future executive summary tasks.
Sarah Chapman, CP ES-M APMP