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Edward Alexander, CPP APMP Fellow (Class of 2009)

Vice President (Retired)
Shipley Associates


Ed was a dynamic, seasoned platform professional certified to provide consulting in training, capture/proposal consulting, and process consulting. He led capture and proposal efforts that resulted in $2.6B and $5.3B wins. Ed designed and delivered many of the Shipley training courses offered. He taught more than 1,000 workshops and trained more than 20,000 participants in more than 20 countries for more than 400 companies.

He was the first in the USA to be certified at the CPP level.
A retired Army Colonel, he served more than 28 years at all levels of command and staff, including two years of combat in Vietnam.

What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?

Being an APMP Fellow is important to me in that my peers recognize the contributions I have made to our craft and that I can be an example to others who strive to excel in our profession.

What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?

Receiving my APMP Fellow plaque at the APMP conference in Chandler, AZ. It was a very humbling experience with the Native American blessing/portion of the ceremony.

What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?

Access our Body of Knowledge and leverage the experiences/input from others before you to make your job easier and to apply best practices.


During my association with APMP, I have been fortunate to have met and gathered wisdom from several industry stalwarts.
KK 2
Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
My experience, combined with the APMP Body of Knowledge, helped me obtain both the APMP Foundation exam and the Practitioners exam within a week.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
Acquiring this micro-certification allows me to expand my aperture regarding the collaboration between capture and proposal management to develop more robust, customer-centric Executive Summaries for future pursuits. It allows me to advance my skill set, evolve my knowledge, and reflect my commitment to continuous learning.
Stephen Yuter, ES-M APMP
Achieving the Executive Summaries micro-certification will support me in persuading Sales to create a better Executive Summary.
Gerald Stein
Gerald Stein, CF ES-M APMP
The certifications, starting from the foundation to the professional level, help individuals from diverse timeframes in their careers.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
APMP has been instrumental in my success and has given me a framework in which to coach and mentor the bid and proposal stars of the future.
Mescall Ceri Photo
Ceri Mescall, CPP APMP
With this micro-certification and digital badge, I signal to my bid team and stakeholders that I am familiar with this topic. They can use me as their contact and "sparring partner," independent of RFPs.
Norbert Thiemermann, CPP ES-M APMP
For the first time since I started my career, I felt like I was not alone in my struggles to meet deadlines, wrangle SMEs, and answer impossible questions. I’m grateful to have this community to share our wisdom and experiences.
Anthony Rossi, CF APMP
The Executive Summaries Micro-Certification exam was easy to follow and clear in what was required. I found the learning materials to be very informative, and they will be a great tool to use while in the exam and for future executive summary tasks.
Sarah Chapman, CP ES-M APMP
Achieving certification sends a message to the world that I’m dedicated and accomplished as a proposal manager. I feel proud of earning this title and I encourage others to join our ranks.
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis, CF APMP