Eric Gregory, CPP APMP Fellow (Class of 2001)
Executive Consultant & Advisor
Shipley Associates
Forty-six years of winning business for major aerospace and defense companies. Twice CEO/Chair of APMP and led 3 International conferences, the last jointly with Dick Eassom and David Bol. Served on the board of directors for a decade. Led CACI's proposal organization for 14 years while the company grew from $325M to $3.8B. A frequent presenter at APMP conferences nationally and locally. Semi-retired now and promoting my irrelevance.
What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?
Giving back to the profession. I do that through mentoring APMP members and other proposal professionals. I am mentoring at least seven US and four international proposal and business professionals.
What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?
Enjoying a great presentation rivalry and collaboration with Jay Herther over the years at many conferences to determine who is smarter and better looking. I always lose, but it has been great fun.
What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?
Learn from others who are better at this than you, and when you hire people, hire the ones who are more capable than you and lead them to wins.
Anything else you would like to share?
I have devoted a significant portion of my life to APMP and mentoring others. Not a minute of that time was wasted. When you invest in others, you invest in yourself and become better at everything you do.