Jayme Sokolow, APMP Fellow (Class of 2003)
The Development Source, LLP
For three decades through his company, Jayme has helped companies around the country win over $20 billion in GWACS and contracts. He also has published many articles on proposal development and, for over ten years, was Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of Proposal Management, the official journal of APMP.
In his spare time, Jayme enjoys reading and writing, playing Renaissance and Baroque music, the outdoors, hiking, trekking, and sightseeing around the world.
What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?
Being an APMP Fellow is a great honor because my colleagues are so talented and accomplished.
What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?
The opportunity to meet so many bright and successful proposal professionals and to learn from them.
What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?
Argue as if you are absolutely right, and listen as if you are absolutely wrong.
Anything else you would like to share?
Proposal development is an exciting and rewarding field, and I enjoy working with a wide variety of people from around the world.