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Jeannette Waldie, CPP APMP Fellow
(Class of 2016)

Proposal Consultant & Business Coach


For over 30 years, Jeannette has worked in almost every facet of business development, from capture planning to proposal strategy to writing, desktop publishing, and production. Winning projects range from a major P3 highway project, helping a small business win a Million Dollar Contract with a major international airport, or helping a major economic justice organization win a federal grant.

With her diverse experience in developing proposals for a wide range of industries, Jeannette loves teaching effective project and proposal management techniques to proposal professionals at all levels. She also coaches proposal professionals in career development, team building, and communications.

In her free time, Jeannette writes songs, sings in public occasionally, and is learning the piano.

What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?

Being named an APMP Fellow shows that expertise and influence don't have to relate to being an executive for a big company. I hope that my example shows that each of us can make a difference in our profession!

What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?

Best memory?? There are too many to count! I think my favorite memory is my first one from attending my first conference in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I was proud of APMP supporting the City and was heartbroken at the devastation. The conference also had a huge impact on me as I realized that I "was not alone" and that I could make a career out of this profession that found me.

What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?

Take every opportunity to grow your knowledge of business development. Ask questions! Read! Learn from others outside of your company.


The Executive Summaries Micro-Certification exam was easy to follow and clear in what was required. I found the learning materials to be very informative, and they will be a great tool to use while in the exam and for future executive summary tasks.
Sarah Chapman, CP ES-M APMP
Achieving certification sends a message to the world that I’m dedicated and accomplished as a proposal manager. I feel proud of earning this title and I encourage others to join our ranks.
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis, CF APMP
This was my first APMP event, and I was wholly impressed. The energy in the room reignited my passion for this industry, and I can't wait to get back to my team to implement what I have learned.
Brittany Guzman
Brittany Guzman, CF APMP