Sarah Hinchliffe, CPP APMP Fellow (Class of 2023)
i4 Consultancy and Design Ltd
Over a thirty-year sales career in the technology industry, Sarah worked her way from a rookie to a director. Along the way, she developed a taste for bidding - it played to her strengths as a storyteller, an organizer and a timekeeper.
In 2012, Sarah decided to start giving back everything she'd learned to help others sell more - to commercial organizations and the public sector. She's been busy ever since and loving every minute.
Sarah's biggest love is words. Whenever she has a rare, spare minute, she devours hints and tips on style and grammar, structure and format. Over a decade ago, Lynne Truss's "Eats, shoots & leaves" reignited her indignation at sloppy writing. Sarah continuously strives to perfect her writing.
After doing her day job – fixing processes, managing bids, training, reviewing, writing and editing sales documents - she often presents for the APMP. She also writes articles for professional sales and bid publications to champion her trade.