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Drive Your Leadership Capabilities at the APMP’s Second Worldwide Online Leadership Conference for Winning Business Professionals

January 29, 2025 

Secure your seat for the only online Leadership Conference for bid and proposal professionals presented by APMP.

The objectives of APMP’s Leadership Conference are:

  • The world’s best experts on leadership, many of them authors, will teach you how to learn about your leadership capabilities and how to use your self-awareness to become a successful Leader.  
  • Drive leadership capabilities – key skills and best behaviors - into the profession and directly through the association to inspire and develop the next generation of bid and proposal leaders.  
  • Learn external, real-world leadership perspectives, insights, and methodologies while strongly identifying with the association and profession.

This conference will give you an inspirational purpose to become a leader or hone your current leadership skills. Click the Register button below to start your education on leadership in the bid and proposal journey.

All conference sessions will be recorded and available on APMP TV for 60 days after the event's date.

Register View the Full Agenda


  Regular Rate
Member $175
Nonmember $229
Corporate Member $50

Event Cancellation Policy

Full refunds will be honored until 5:00 PM on January 15, 2025. There are no cancellations after that time.

Continuing Education: CEUs/CPDs for APMP Certifications

APMP members will earn 10 CEUs/CPDs for attending the Leadership Conference for Winning Business Professionals 2025. Live attendees will automatically receive these credits in their CEU/CPD Trackers within a week after the event concludes.

Need help locating your CEU/CPD Tracker? Here is a short video on finding your CEU/CPD Tracker and logging CEUs/CPDs.

Questions about the APMP Certification Program? Contact the APMP Director of Certification, Kimberly Kissel, at [email protected].



For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Chelsea MacKenzie, APMP’s Event Manager, at [email protected].


APMP has been instrumental in my success and has given me a framework in which to coach and mentor the bid and proposal stars of the future.
Mescall Ceri Photo
Ceri Mescall, CPP APMP
You can expand your network by attending the local Chapter webinar and events. They provide an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals locally to create and share consumable content, ideas, tools, and resources.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
Receiving Practitioner-level certification boosted my confidence and validated my experiences and professional growth in the bid and proposal industry. The badge is something that I see each day, and it motivates and encourages me to keep networking, learning, and elevating others in our combined professional development goals.
Kim Ruff
Kim Ruff, CP APMP
With this micro-certification and digital badge, I signal to my bid team and stakeholders that I am familiar with this topic. They can use me as their contact and "sparring partner," independent of RFPs.
Norbert Thiemermann, CPP ES-M APMP
APMP Certification is an important milestone in the bid and proposal profession. It helped me upgrade my knowledge and be competitive in the industry. You can achieve your dream career with APMP certifications. Thanks to APMP India.
Swapnil Patange
Swapnil Patange, CF APMP
Without APMP, I would not have the tools or knowledge of the industry to have the career I have today and the success I have experienced.
Liz Megli
Liz Megli, CF APMP
APMP has provided an incredible platform for seasoned individuals from the Proposal and Bid Management profession and young professionals who want to start their careers in this field.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
I love that my high scores in English and grammar from grade school finally paid off! I understand where I fit in professionally with a career that is rewarding on many levels. I owe all of this to APMP!
Bette Sturino, CP APMP
The time was a good investment, and I expect to reap benefits now and in the future!
Kelly Erickson
Kelly Erickson, CF APMP
Acquiring the executive summary micro certification has helped to build my confidence in producing best practice Executive Summaries. I also benefit from the social media badge for my LinkedIn profile and certification to add to my resume. Both of these allow me to verify my Executive Summary capabilities.
Laura Rispin, CP ES-M APMP