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15 for 12

Believe it or not, there are people who understand what you do. They know the challenges you face at work, and they know how tough it can be to balance work and life.

You are not alone.

You will find kindred spirits at APMP, and now is an excellent chance to experience what an APMP membership is like.

And if you choose to join, enjoy 15 months of membership for the price of 12.

Join today!

Meet Your People

Connect with others in your chapter. Select any APMP chapter when you join - some host in-person events, some host virtual events, and some host both. Some offer weekly e-newsletters, scholarships (for APMP certifications and event registrations), and more. See a list and descriptions of our chapters

Attend APMP events to network both professionally and personally. Throughout the year, at multiple Bid & Proposal Cons and chapter-produced events, we witness significant connections between people who would've never met outside of APMP. Survey comments consistently report "the people I meet" as one of the top reasons they attend APMP events. Members enjoy discounted registration fees and advanced notice to take advantage of Early Bird rates.

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Develop Your Career

Verify your knowledge and skills for your employer and yourself. APMP certification validates that you understand industry best practices, and for many members, it positively impacts their salary and/or organizational level in their company. Regardless, learning is often inherent with the preparation to earn each level of certification, so you'll likely pick up a few new tools along the way, too.

Be ready for your next Performance Review. Compensation reports from APMP provide current data directly from your peers and colleagues in this industry. The 2022 U.S. Compensation Report will be released before the end of the year. All are free to APMP members.


Enhance Your Skills

Ever get stuck on a proposal? Pick up some quick nuggets of advice. The searchable APMP Body of Knowledge contains a wealth of best practices, tips, and tools to help you move forward. It is entirely online, mobile friendly, and available 24/7/365. Free to APMP members.

Spend an hour with the best in the industry; experience their insight without leaving your office. About once per month, APMP offers a webinar about a relevant, popular topic presented by the industry's top speakers. After each live event, recordings are added to the archives and available for viewing at your convenience. Free to APMP members.

Learn something new, or be reminded of some practices you may have forgotten. Written for proposal people in the business/commercial sector (but just as valuable to people in the government sector), Writing Business Bids & Proposals for dummies has received positive reviews from both newbies and industry veterans.


Save Your Money

If you join now, you can experience APMP membership for 15 months for the price of 12.

Get 15 months for the price of 12

During my association with APMP, I have been fortunate to have met and gathered wisdom from several industry stalwarts.
KK 2
Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
This topic, Executive Summaries, is way underrated. The Executive Summary is the most eye-catching document, which almost everyone on the customer side reads. Yet, in most bid teams, we don’t dedicate the attention it deserves. I want to learn about something I can immediately put into practice at my workplace, which provides a “quick win” to the team and is a long-term benefit for the company.
Dénes Máthé, CF ES-M APMP
Achieving the Executive Summaries micro-certification will support me in persuading Sales to create a better Executive Summary.
Gerald Stein
Gerald Stein, CF ES-M APMP
The certifications, starting from the foundation to the professional level, help individuals from diverse timeframes in their careers.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
Without APMP, I would not have the tools or knowledge of the industry to have the career I have today and the success I have experienced.
Liz Megli
Liz Megli, CF APMP
Being an active APMP certified practitioner allowed me to recognize my hidden potential multifold (40u40, BPC Awards, BPC Speaker) and give back to the profession through the APMP community.
KK 2
Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
Certification has enhanced my worth as a bid professional. It has validated the skills and experience I have and is proof of my bid management qualities and capabilities. It has given me a springboard to develop my career and aim for Professional certification.
Aynsley Davidson v2
Aynsley Davidson, CP APMP
My experience, combined with the APMP Body of Knowledge, helped me obtain both the APMP Foundation exam and the Practitioners exam within a week.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
Acquiring this micro-certification allows me to expand my aperture regarding the collaboration between capture and proposal management to develop more robust, customer-centric Executive Summaries for future pursuits. It allows me to advance my skill set, evolve my knowledge, and reflect my commitment to continuous learning.
Stephen Yuter, ES-M APMP
You can expand your network by attending the local Chapter webinar and events. They provide an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals locally to create and share consumable content, ideas, tools, and resources.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP