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Nancy Cottle, APMP Fellow (Class of 2001)

Retired Consultant, Former Manager in Aerospace


Ms Cottle worked in the proposal and new business for two decades beginning at McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company in Mesa. She began in research & development with customers in DoD, NASA, and industry. After leaving Boeing, she worked as a Director in an engineering services company and then began consulting.

What does being an APMP Fellow mean to you?

It's meant a lifetime of friendship, great colleagues and an honor to be chosen professionally.

What's your best memory from attending an APMP event?

What happens at APMP stays at APMP! The programs have always been first rate and seeing and meeting friends and so many talents in the industry.

What advice do you have for a proposal professional entering our field?

The devil is in the details so be sure to always pay close attention to what is happening. Get a massage/spa day after every proposal.

For the first time since I started my career, I felt like I was not alone in my struggles to meet deadlines, wrangle SMEs, and answer impossible questions. I’m grateful to have this community to share our wisdom and experiences.
Anthony Rossi, CF APMP
During my association with APMP, I have been fortunate to have met and gathered wisdom from several industry stalwarts.
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Karthik Koutharapu, CP APMP
APMP's techniques on proposal writing are meticulously engineered with real-life examples, and the extensive information available in their Body of Knowledge is a goldmine for bid & proposal professionals.
Anant Shukla, CF APMP
Achieving certification sends a message to the world that I’m dedicated and accomplished as a proposal manager. I feel proud of earning this title and I encourage others to join our ranks.
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis, CF APMP
My experience, combined with the APMP Body of Knowledge, helped me obtain both the APMP Foundation exam and the Practitioners exam within a week.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
The certifications, starting from the foundation to the professional level, help individuals from diverse timeframes in their careers.
Mayura Ravishankar, Proposal Associate
APMP Certification is an important milestone in the bid and proposal profession. It helped me upgrade my knowledge and be competitive in the industry. You can achieve your dream career with APMP certifications. Thanks to APMP India.
Swapnil Patange
Swapnil Patange, CF APMP
APMP has changed my professional life, elevating it to a standard that I didn’t know existed. Aside from the professional advantages of being certified as an APMP Professional, it’s the community of members who make it so special.
Rita Mascia, CPP APMP
I never want to be complacent in my career, so it has been beneficial to have this group of peers who are going through similar trials and tribulations in the proposal world on a day-to-day basis.
jill zander
Jill Zander, CF APMP
Receiving Practitioner-level certification boosted my confidence and validated my experiences and professional growth in the bid and proposal industry. The badge is something that I see each day, and it motivates and encourages me to keep networking, learning, and elevating others in our combined professional development goals.
Kim Ruff
Kim Ruff, CP APMP